Developer’s guide

The administration interface is being rebuilt into a RESTful API and a rich client web interface.

RESTful interface

The administration interface is using Jersey [1] to expose the resources of the API. Spring also provides some facilities to build restful interface [2] but Jersey has been chosen instead because it is the JAX-RS (JSR 311) Reference Implementation.

The usage of Jersey consists of a web.xml file containing the Jersey servlet and the com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer parameter to specify the package that contains the resources being exposed by the RESTful API. See [3] for more information.

At the same level as the resource package there are two packages: model and json that will be explained later.

The resource package contains two types of classes:

  • Classes ending in “Resource”: The classes responding to the GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods. They contain all the logic and validations the API should do. For more information, see [4]. These handlers interact with the persistence back-end (Geostore) through a set of interfaces defined in the model package.
  • Exceptions. HTML error codes, like 404, will be returned by throwing a subclass of For more information, see [5].

The json package contains beans that will be transformed to JSON automatically by Jackson. These classes have an empty constructor for that purpose (Jackson requirement) and are received and returned in the Resource handlers.

The model package contains interfaces with the methods required to query or update the persistence backend. Every model interface contains a getJSON method that returns an object from the json package and allows to return a representation of any element in the model. For deployment there is an implementation based on Geostore but, at the same time, the use of the interface makes it possible to test the API without need to actually connect to an external component.

One non-explored option is to use the model interfaces as the classes to be serialized to JSON. More information can be found here [6].

Mock model-JSON mapping

The mapping between the model objects, received and returned by the resource methods, and JSON is done automatically by Jackson [7], as configured in the Jersey servlet in the web.xml file.


Testing is done by inheriting the com.sun.jersey.test.framework.JerseyTest class, that creates all the setup in order to be able to call the resource methods.

It was considered to use jetty server to test the services actually on a container but it was discarded due to the collisions of Jetty servlet/jsp APIs with standard APIs, that may result in kicking out the whole jetty dependency in the future [8].

The model interfaces are mocked by Mockito [9] to simulate the Geostore behavior for the individual test cases.

Therefore, tests for the Geostore model implementation must be created and integration tests with both components working at the same time would be great.
