SLD transformations

This section show how to GeoServer provides a number of filter functions that can actually manipulate geometries by transforming them into something different: this is what we call geometry transformations in SLD.

Extracting vertices

  1. Using skills learned in the adding styles section, create a new style named mainrd_transform using the following SLD:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0"
      xmlns="" xmlns:ogc=""
      xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <Name>Roads and vertices</Name>
                <Stroke />
                  <ogc:Function name="vertices">
                      <CssParameter name="fill">#FF0000</CssParameter>


    The vertices function returns a multi-point made with all the vertices of the original geometry

  2. Using skills learned in the adding styles section, modify the styling of the Mainrd layer and add mainrd_transform as an alternate style (hint, select the mainrd_transform style in the first list below “available styles” and then use the right arrow to move it in the “selected styles”):


Adding the mainrd_transform style as a secondary style for Mainrd

  1. Use the Preview link to display the Mainrd layer, then open the options box and choose the alternate style from the drop down:


    Extracting and showing the vertices out of a geometry

Line buffer

  1. Using skills learned in the geoserver.addstyle section, create a new style mainrd_buffer using the following SLD

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0"
    xmlns="" xmlns:ogc=""
    xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi=""
            <Name>Roads and vertices</Name>
                                  <ogc:Function name="buffer">
                                  <CssParameter name="fill">#7F7F7F</CssParameter>
                                  <CssParameter name="fill-opacity">0.3</CssParameter>
                            <Stroke />


    The buffer function builds a polygon of all the points that are withing the specified distance from the original geometry.

  2. As done previously, modify the styling of the Mainrd layer and add mainrd_buffer as an alternate style:


Adding the mainrd_buffer style as a secondary style for Mainrd

  1. Use the Map Preview to preview the new style.


    Extracting start and end point of a line